
Brain Science International Uses

Human Brain Institute  |  NeuroGuide 


BSI can provide you with maps only or can include reports by Jay Gunkelman. You decide. Our reports are developed through his careful oversight of the raw EEG recording; a skill that few are qualified to perform. Regardless of the map report you request, Jay will analyze the record using years of experience and expertise and provide you with neurofeedback training recommendations. 


Human Brain Institute (HBI) Normative Database


The 19-channel HBI normative database was built based upon the fundamental research at the Institute of the Human Brain Russian Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg, Russia. In addition, the database combined the experience and expertise from practitioners and researchers at Praxis für Kind, Organisation und Entwicklung, Chur, Switzerland, Norwegian University for Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway, Centre of Neurotherapy in St. Petersburg, Russia, Crossroads Institute in the USA and Q-Pro Worldwide (USA, Switzerland, and Russia). (Read more about the HBI database's history and research...)


The normative data includes 19-channel EEG recordings in the following groups:


  • Children and adolescents of age 7-17 years old – 250 subjects
  • Adults of age 18-60 years old – 350 subjects
  • Elderly people (after age of 61) – 200 subjects


It also includes non-normative data recordings of:

300 ADHD children and adolescents | Epilepsy | OCD | Addictions | Depression | Whiplash | Learning Issues

(Inclusion/Exclusion criteria presume an uneventful peri-natal period, no head injury with cerebral symptoms, no history of neurological or psychiatric diseases, no convulsions, normal mental and physical development, average or better-than-average grades in school).


Recording Analysis Specifics

19-channel EEG was recorded in two resting conditions with eyes open (more than 3 minutes), eyes closed (more than 3 minutes), and four different task conditions, including two stimulus GO/NOGO task (20 minutes), arithmetic and reading tasks (both 20 minutes) and auditory task (15 Minutes).

Some procedures (such as artifact correction and spike detection) are automated to reduce the amount of time for pre-processing the data.  Two montages (global average and local average according to Lemos) are used to assess global and local features of EEG. Absolute amplitude and power spectra, averaged and two-channel coherence, wavelet-transformations, and ERPs are computed off-line and mapped into 2D representations or into 3D images using LORETA technology. Dipole approximation methods are provided in addition.

The computed characteristics are normalized (using log transformations). Mean values and standard deviations for separate age groups are obtained. Comparison with the database consists of computing z-scores – standardized measures of deviation of individual EEG parameters - from the normative data.


In addition, ERPs are subjected to independent component analysis. Using this methodology, separate components associated with distinctive psychological operations are extracted. Each component is characterized by time dynamics and topography. Spatial filters are built up on the basis of these topographies and enable the users to extract the amplitude of each component from the individual ERPs. Comparing these amplitudes with the normative data allows insights concerning different stages of information processing in the individual under assessment.


HBI Database Advantages


The advantages of the HBI database are:

  • The use of 4 different task conditions in addition to eyes open and eyes closed conditions;
  • The ability to extract independent components from ERPs associated with distinct psychological operations;
  • Automated procedures of artifact correction;
  • Automated spike detection;




The NeuroGuide database, developed by Robert Thatcher, PhD, dates back to the 1970s, and is the most commonly used database reference.  This database, unlike other commercially available databases, has recorded a larger number of very young children (see below), so the reference norms include ages down one (the other databases and reference populations are generally limited to age 6 or 7, and some are "adult only" databases). 


The 19-channel norms are available from 1-30 Hz, with topographic mapping of the absolute power, relative power, with both broad band and single Hz resolution.  The ratios and other derived measures such as coherence and phase are available.  Discriminant functions for TBI and learning are available, though caution is advised in interpretation of these controversial and complex functions.


The normative database incliudes:

  • 155 adults
  • 470 children and adolescents

Screening for normalcy includes a questionnaire, WISC/WAIS full IQ score of normal or above and school passing gradepoint.


References for the NeuroGuide Database:

Thatcher R. W., Walker, B. A,. Biver, C. J., et al. Sensitivity and Specificity of an EEG Database, Validation and Clinical       Correlation, Journal of Neurotherapy 7 (3/4): 87-121

Thatcher, R.W., North, D., and Biver, C.  Evaluation and Validity of a LORETA normative EEG database, Clinical EEG and Neuroscience, 2005, 36(2): 116-122



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Neurofeedback Bibliography with abstracts. Last compiled Sept '14






"What an honor and privilege to be taught QEEG and LORETA by two of the most recognized and respected people in the field of EEG; Joel Lubar, PhD and Jay Gunkleman, QEEGD. BSI's small class size, coupled with hands on experience gave us real insight into the mechanics of using QEEG with clients. I now feel ready to go forward by incorporating these techniques into my practice."
- - - RI, LMFT, CNT Los Angeles, CA



"To date I’ve done over 300 Qs with BSI and compared to other services I’ve used, their reports are far superior and Jay is always available for discussion of each case. I have learned so much from Jay by discussing these cases with him."

- - - RJS, PhD, LCSW, BCB, BCN, Houston, TX


"I have found BSI's recorded webinars as an excellent resource to improve my neurfoeedback skill sets. BSI's webinars provide user-friendly access to leading applied and research experts within neurofeedback. In addition, my graduate students have purchased recorded webinar sessions; they reported this resource reduces the complexity of neurofeedback through cohesive and comprehensive trainings related to neurofeedback."

- - - JL, EdD, Assistant Professor Psychology, Illinois Institute of Technology


"Dr. Kerson is an excellent teacher and neurofeedback supervisor. She provides a warm and caring approach to learning the process as well as the content - even when it is difficult to understand. She has a great sense of humor, and makes the learning interactive and fun. More importantly, she really cares about her students and takes the time to be sure everyone is succeeding."

- - - SS, PhD Associate Professor UNLV